While it is very regular for me to be starting a new week posting a new blog on a Sunday evening, it’s also very odd for that Sunday to start the last week of the Internet Rug Camp. Even so, it’s very good that this post is one of my favorite kinds of posts – A Good Report from one of our regular readers. In this case it comes from Sue-Anne from Prince Edward Island, who has sent in many reports like this over the years!

Dear Gene: I just finished this La Paz themed rug yesterday for our newest grandson born November 17, 2024. His parents are often off on adventures and now he will be too! We haven’t met him in person yet and he’s almost 6 weeks old.

Hopefully we can visit them in Mexico this winter!
I’ve really enjoyed seeing you and Marsha transition from your house to your condo. Thank you for taking us along for the ride. Sorry to hear about the incident with the red food coloring!!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
PS: LOVE your daughters tree that you showed the other day, especially the star and those shiny
bobbles!! We had a slow day too but that was when I finished my new grandsons rug. They are in
Pheonix today (from Alberta, Canada ) on their way to their new home they are building in La Paz
Mexico! I also took apart a black full length coat a friend had given me for my work. Then we vegged
out on multiple episodes of “Homestead Rescue”….we love that show!
Dear Sue-Anne, As usual, you’ve created another work of art as well as a special keepsake.
And, while I like that rug a lot, I think that grandson looks even better! Hopefully you can
see him soon. It’s been great fun sharing and reporting on your many hooking adventures over
the years. Thank you so much.
Your comment on enjoying my reports about our move to condo life – even red food coloring – is
also appreciated. While I thought those kinds of reports were all over for this week, that would
not be true. On the evening of December 26, our condo kitchen sink stopped up. This
surprised me as I put in a high powered garbage disposal before we moved and had been,
thereafter, very careful about what and when I put anything down it. I was so confident in my
situation that I did not bring my ratty old plunger. After a late night run to the hardware store, I
confidently came home with the expectation of quickly correcting everything. That did not
happen on the 26th or the 27th.
We brought in a professional on the 28th. After working 4 hours on pipes, he said I had
bought a condo with a lot of blockages down the length of the pipe … and, while he could bust
through them, they went past his longest flushing snake. They weren’t there by anything we
had done, but from negligent use (probably lots of grease) by previous owners. Therefore, he
arranged for the really big guns to come back in on Dec 29.
Sure enough, a second professional came on the 29th. He worked over 4 hours, also to no
avail. A rd professional is coming early Monday. Let’s hope that he can get the clog busted up
before 2024 ends.